About Us

Saxon Mount School caters for children and young people who have a range of Special Educational Needs (SEN), particularly autism and moderate learning difficulties. In practice, we cater for a very wide range of needs: A large number of our children are autistic and significant number of pupils experience speech, language and communication difficulties and / or social, emotional and mental health difficulties and other complex SEN.


Admissions to Saxon Mount are arranged in partnership with East Sussex County Council. All pupils who attend Saxon Mount have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). If you wish to find out more about Saxon Mount School because your child is undergoing a statutory assessment but does not yet have an EHCP, please ensure that you seek advice from the SEN department at County Hall prior to arranging a visit to the school. Alternatively, if your child already has an EHCP, but is currently on the roll of a mainstream school, please also seek advice from the SEN department at County Hall or the SENCO at your child’s school prior to arranging a visit. If you are unsure of your child’s status with regard to SEN or in obtaining an EHCP for your child, our office staff will try to help identify who would be best placed to help you. We are always happy to offer advice and guidance to prospective parents / carers.

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School Structure

The school is organised in a carefully structured way that promotes independence, confidence, aspiration and preparation for life beyond school. Class sizes are small and all have a high staff ratio. We support children joining us in Year 7 by providing a structured and very supportive transition programme that includes a summer school programme. We also ensure that a higher percentage of curriculum time is spent in Year 7 classroom bases. By the time pupils move into Year 8 and 9, they are happy and confident enough to move independently around the school in order to access a wider range of teaching areas and resources. We have four smaller class groups for children with higher levels of learning difficulty and additional needs. Pupils based in these class groups have access to additional learning support, but also are provided with many opportunities to join other classes wherever possible and appropriate.

Additional Needs

Additional needs support to pupils is also provided by a range of staff who work alongside our skilled teaching team. We work with a team of Speech and Language Therapists and Assistants, who help our pupils learn new skills and strategies to support their growing independence. We also have a number of staff who can offer further learning, social or emotional support for targeted pupils. Pupils who require other interventions such as Occupational Therapy (as specified in their EHCP) may also receive this at school.


Learning at Saxon Mount is delivered in carefully planned and differentiated lessons and activities and pupils follow the National Curriculum. We have some excellent facilities to support learning, including specialist science, art and design and food and design technology classrooms. Outdoor areas are also very well resourced, with specially designated areas for gardening, PE and sport and leisure activities. Although children join us with low levels of prior attainment, we expect all pupils to engage and behave well, so that they are able to make the best possible progress in their learning and development.

Pupils are encouraged to participate in the large number of curriculum trips and after school clubs we offer and these can support independence, learning and also provide social and personal development opportunities. This includes a number of opportunities to participate in residential trips.

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Moving On...

By the time our young people leave Saxon Mount School, they are able to achieve in a number of areas, ranging from GCSE and equivalent qualifications and vocational qualifications, to life skills awards which demonstrate increased independence. Young people also have opportunities to participate in work related learning and work experience and they are well prepared to make the transition into education, employment or training once they leave Saxon Mount. We have an excellent track record in supporting pupils in moving on to the next stage of their learning and development and many examples of young people who have achieved well and make excellent progression beyond school and into adulthood.